Ajax is an abbreviation for „Asynchronous JavaScript and XML“. It is a concept for asynchronous datatransferral between a browser and the server. This allows to do HTTP requests while an HTML page is shown, and to modify the page without refreshing it/komplett neu zu laden. To manipulate the DOM or to display contents dynamically, JavaScript can be used. The XMLHttpRequest object which is part of many browsers is used to exchange data with the web server on a asynchronous basis.
Ajax – compared to usual web applications
Ajax applications make the user feel they work with a better flow than usual applications. That’s mostly because they request only those data from the browser which are actually needed. For a web form an Ajax app does not generate the whole page again after the user entered his data – but only that part that was affected. The data request follows as asynchronous communication, i. e. while the data is downloaded the user can still interact with the interface. Are the data downloaded completely a certain JavaScript funktion gets aufgerufen that implements the data into the page. The result is a very quick interface.
The advantages of Ajax – your advantages at GSDH
Apart from the quick interface a further advantage of Ajax is that no browser plugin is needed. Similar techniques – such as Adobes Shockwave or Flash – still have the drawback that they are proprietary, need a browser plugin and are only available for certain platforms. Typical areas of application for Ajax are for example: Google Maps and OpenStreetMap as well as Flickr and Facebook. Ajax may solve a lot of problems and we’re very experienced with it. If you’re interested in Ajax, contact us. We put you on the right track and present your options to you.