When you think about the term „desktopcomputer“, you’ll notice as time goes by. In earlier times the term denoted a „micro computer“ – a device you didn’t need a huge hall for, but that would fit on a...desktop. Today it means one of those bulky stone-age monsters that don’t fit into your pockets. However, most of us work daily on a desktop pc or use it at home and play games on it. So we still need them and fitting programmes and applications – despite all the fancy iPhones and Tablets.
What has to be considered when developing for desktop PCs?
Often clients request us for developing for devices that are fancy at the time being: smartphones such as the iPhone or tablets such as the iPad. Then we have to tell them what is possible and what is not. That Apple devices don’t work with Flash. That you need an own version of an app for each of the currently popular platforms (since each app is taylormade for a certain platform). That a mobi-site has to be adapted to several screen formats (tablet, several smartphones etc.). The advantage with the development of games and sites for desktop PCs is: You don’t have to think about everything. But you should.
Modern web design for desktop PCs
Even if desktop PCs are still used, a lot of people are browsing the web on mobile devices nowadays: laptops, tablets and smartphones. If you only plan your site or gameonly for desktop PCs, you might miss a big part of potential users. But don’t panic. The best is to design the site responsively from the very beginning. This means the site will adapt to any screen size and format. Then there is „progressive enhancement“. A site that was optimised for this aspect would show the site in an easier version on an old smartphone but in the very best version on a state-of-the-art desktop PC. You see, desktop PCs are a long way from being dead, but there’s a lot to consider. Contact us. We show you what options you have.